Ethics & Sustainability

We do our best to minimise the impact of drinking Melbourne made specialty coffee. 


  1. All our shipping is Carbon Neutral.

This means that after our couriers deliver you your coffee, they work out how much CO2e was emitted in the process and then offset through the purchase of carbon credits. We have opted to allocate our carbon credits to the Tasmanian Native Forest Protection Project.

2. We are working hard to make sure our packaging is recyclable and biodegradable. 

Our commitment to you: 

    • The shipping carton your coffee arrives in will be biodegradable by March 2022.
    • The boxes (coming soon) that your glider bags live in will be recyclable. 
    • The outer glider bags are Red Cycle'able - you can take them to your local Coles or Woolies for recycling disposal. 
    • The gliders themselves currently need to go into waste. However, we are working with our clever people to make the Classic Glider compostable!

3. We pay a premium for speciality coffee, this is well above the C-price.


Coffee farmers do the hard yards and the leg work (quite literally!) to make our coffee. They deserve to be remunerated for their output and we pay accordingly. No one deserves to operate at a loss!

4. We are transparent.

Honesty and directness is what keeps us sleeping soundly each night. There are no elephants in the room and no skeletons in the closet. At the end of the day, it's just really good drip filter coffee... but at least you know with us that it is everything we say it is!


My tastes are simple, I am easily satisfied by the best! - Winston Churchill